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Standard Industrial Classifications (SIC) Index

The SIC Index was supplied by the National Technical Information Service and the pages are sponsored by ITA, makers of immigration software . |Back to MENU|


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2824 Zein fibers-mfg
3674 Zener diodes-mfg
3356 Zinc and zinc alloy bars, plates, pipe, rods, sheets, tubing, and wire-mfg
3369 Zinc castings, except die-castings-mfg
2819 Zinc chloride-mfg
3364 Zinc die-castings-mfg
3339 Zinc dust, primary-mfg
3341 Zinc dust, reclaimed-mfg
3497 Zinc foil, not made in rolling mills-mfg
2834 Zinc ointment-mfg
1031 Zinc ore mining
5052 Zinc ore-wholesale
2851 Zinc oxide in oil, paint-mfg
2816 Zinc oxide pigments-mfg
2816 Zinc pigments: zinc yellow and zinc sulfide-mfg
3356 Zinc rolling, drawing, and extruding-mfg
3339 Zinc slabs, ingots, and refinery shapes: primary-mfg
3341 Zinc smelting and refining, secondary-mfg
1031 Zinc-blende (sphalerite) mining
5051 Zinc-wholesale
1031 Zincite mining
3559 Zipper making machinery-mfg
2241 Zipper tape-mfg
3965 Zippers (slide fasteners)-mfg
5131 Zippers-wholesale
3356 Zirconium and zirconium alloy bars, rods, billets, sheets, strip, and tubing-mfg
3339 Zirconium metal sponge and granules-mfg
1099 Zirconium ore mining
3931 Zithers and parts-mfg
9532 Zoning boards and commissions
8422 Zoological gardens
2052 Zwieback-mfg

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