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Standard Industrial Classifications (SIC) Index

The SIC Index was supplied by the National Technical Information Service and the pages are sponsored by ITA, makers of immigration software . |Back to MENU|


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0259 Quail farms
3253 Quarry tile, clay-mfg
5082 Quarrying machinery and equipment-wholesale
3131 Quarters (shoe cut stock)-mfg
1499 Quartz crystal mining (pure)
3679 Quartz crystals for electronic application-mfg
1429 Quartzite, crushed and broken-quarrying
1411 Quartzite, dimension-quarrying
2861 Quebracho extract-mfg
2861 Quercitron extract-mfg
2752 Quick printing, except photocopy service-mfg
3274 Quicklime-mfg
1099 Quicksilver (mercury) ore mining
2299 Quilt filling: curled hair (e.g., cotton waste, moss, hemp tow, kapok)-mfg
2395 Quilted fabrics or cloth-mfg
7299 Quilting for individuals
5949 Quilting materials and supplies-retail
2395 Quilting, for the trade-mfg
2221 Quilts, manmade fiber and silk-mitse-mfg
2392 Quilts-mfpm-mfg
0175 Quince orchards and farms
2833 Quinine and derivatives-mfg
2865 Quinoline dyes-mfg
2869 Quinuclidinol ester of benzylic acid-mfg
6289 Quotation service, stock

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